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Shrimp puns in 2024

The little shrimp girl tried to make it into the Japanese film industry for a long time. Unfortunately, she never got very far due to her short tempura.

The prawn couldn’t find a good surfboard anywhere, so he had to get it shrimported.

Be shrimp-artial.

What do you call a shrimp assasin?
– Krill Bill

What did the suicidal shrimp say?
– Krill me

Did you hear about the egoistical shrimp with a lisp?
– He wash very shellfish.

That’s shrimp-ractical.

The prawn was scared of telling his sister about his problems
– because he had a fear of intima-sea.

A shrimp professor was teaching his last class of the semester. “I hate to shrimpart like this”, he said.

Shrimp-lify it.

Why did the Australian fisherman get kicked out of the toy store.
Why did the Australian fisherman get kicked out of the toy store.
– Because he was throwing shrimp on the barbie.

Why did ying put shrimps in his pizza?
– Because it was crustasian!<

Why was the young shrimp not popular in Japanese cuisine?
– Because of its short tempura.

Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?
– Because he was a little shellfish!

A baby prawn was lost at sea for weeks, thankfully they flounder last week.

Shrimps who surf the net for hours are prawn to internet addiction.

Timmy the shrimp crossed the ocean to get to the other tide.

It’s shrimp-erative.

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