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Shrimp puns in 2025

Why won’t the shrimp sell his treasures to the fishes?
– Because he is shellfish

So you’re tellin me a shrimp fried this rice?!

That was over-krill.

Once u-prawn a time.

The little shrimp girl tried to make it into the Japanese film industry for a long time. Unfortunately, she never got very far due to her short tempura.

The prawn couldn’t find a good surfboard anywhere, so he had to get it shrimported.

Be shrimp-artial.

What do you call a shrimp assasin?
– Krill Bill

What did the suicidal shrimp say?
– Krill me

Did you hear about the egoistical shrimp with a lisp?
– He wash very shellfish.

That’s shrimp-ractical.

The prawn was scared of telling his sister about his problems
– because he had a fear of intima-sea.

A shrimp professor was teaching his last class of the semester. “I hate to shrimpart like this”, he said.

Shrimp-lify it.

Why did the Australian fisherman get kicked out of the toy store.
Why did the Australian fisherman get kicked out of the toy store.
– Because he was throwing shrimp on the barbie.

Why did ying put shrimps in his pizza?
– Because it was crustasian!<

Why was the young shrimp not popular in Japanese cuisine?
– Because of its short tempura.

Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?
– Because he was a little shellfish!

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