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Skeleton puns in 2025

The skeleton canceled the gallery showing of his skull-ptures because his heart wasn’t in it. Read more

Where do skeletons go hang out at night?
-Anywhere, as long as it’s a hip joint.

We will think about it tomarrow

What does a skeleton tile his roof with?

I’m a bone-afide Halloween professional.

Knuckle on my doo -bone

What did the skeleton say after running a marathon?
-I’m bone tired

Skele-Tinder date.

James Boned or a special boned with someone

When does a skeleton laugh?
-When someone tickles his funny bone!

What do you say when you go to a dinner with a bunch of osteopathologists?
-Bone appetit!

Are you spine on me?

What do you do if you see a skeleton running across a road?
-Jump out of your skin and join him!

When cabin fever becomes cabin femur.

I ulna want to be with you.

What do skeleton waiters say when handing people their food?
-bone appetit

Did we both dress up as skeletons?
-You’ve got Tibia kidding!

These jokes are really humerus

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