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Sleep puns in 2024

When you dream in color, is it a pigment of your imagination?

Why did the meatballs tell the spaghetti to close its eyes and go to sleep?
– It was pasta bedtime!

What should you do if you can’t go to sleep?
– You lie on the bed’s edge and soon you’ll drop off.

What do you call a conference with tired delegates?
– A snooze fest.

How do you get an alien baby to sleep?
– You rocket.

Have you heard about those new corduroy pillowcases?
– They’re really making headlines.

Which part of the car is the sleepiest?
– The wheels, because they’re always tired!

Why did the girl take a ruler with her to bed?
– To see how long she sleeps.

Why did the pharmacist tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?
– Because he didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills!

You know you’re getting older when happy hour is a nap.

A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky.
The husband says, it’s reindeer.

What do you call a snoozing dinosaur?
– A dino-snore!

Did you hear about the lady who always goes to sleep on a chandelier?
– She’s a light sleeper!

What do you call a very sleepy egg?
– Eggs-hausted.

If there is a king and queen-size mattress, where does the prince sleep?
– On the heir mattress.

I went to a gig last night and the band’s guitarist passed out on stage.
– He must have rocked himself to sleep.

Why did the nurse tiptoe past the medicine cupboard?
– She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills!

What is huge, grayish, and can send people to sleep?
– A hypno-potamus.

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