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Snake puns in 2024

Little snake hissed his parents off!

Hiss and Hers.

What is a snake’s favorite footwear? Snakers, of course!

This is a missssss-take.

I never understood why people are so scared of snakes
They’re completely armless.

What do snakes use to clean their car windows?
windscreen vipers!

What did the snake say to the loud children at the library? Ssssss.


What do you call a snake that’s 3.14 meters long?A pi- thon

Snake your groove thing!

A goodnight hiss.

What is a snake’s favorite opera? Wriggletto

A pair of scisss-ors.

Why should you never weigh a snake?

Lots of fang letters!

.Severus Snake

Got mugged by a cobra once when I was walking through
the park. Wouldn’t recognize it again though, it was wearing a hood

I love a good pun . they put me in hissssterics

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