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Soup puns in 2025

Why is haunted soup the best? Because it’s soup-eerier.

Mum, you are my soup-er star.

Ducks love to have Quacker and Soup for dinner.

The Japanese restaurant has soup-erior broth than the Chinese restaurant in the city.

Sorry, but we’re out of stock.

What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup? You can roast beef, but you can’t pee soup!

The soup was busy and preoccupied. He was stewing over something his friend said.

If mom leaves her alphabet soup on the stove and forgets about it, it would spell disaster.

Mom, what do we have for dinner? I cannot tell you, son, it is a soup-rise! Is it soup?
– I soup-pose it would be.

A chicken inside a hot tub is called soup.

Soup (w’sup) dude!

Dashi goes again.

My dad believes you should always have soup before your main meal. He is very soup-erstitious.

I called the local restaurant and told them “I want a table for pho”.

If fish is a type of brain food, then dumb people probably love eating noodle soup.

Do you know why do the hipsters burn their tongue? It is because they eat their soup before it gets cool.

The soup that she cooks is so thick that the kitchen would go around when she stirs it.

He’s a very souperstitious person.

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