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Soup puns in 2025

Having chicken broth before the game was a sure shot way to maintain energy for the Soup-er Bowl.

I love having dinner in a local restaurant. It has a soup-erb speciality that mixes soup and herbs.

Drop the bouillabaisse.

A waitress asked me: “Soup or salad?”. I said just a regular salad would be fine.

A ghost’s favorite soup is Scream of Brocolli.

We all know that the New England Patriots have their soup in the Super Bowl.

Many people have a mythical belief about soup. It is called soup–erstition.

If you coriander into my tomato soup, you will give me a soup-herb dish.

I got some soup from the soupermarket.

You should try the amazing Vietnamese soup restaurant in the city. They serve soups pho 2 dollars.

“What do we have for dinner?”, “I cannot tell you, it’s a soup-rise!”, “Is it soup? I soup-pose I will have to wait to find out!”.

Do you know what the favourite soup of a ghost is? It is the Scream of Broccoli.

I have pea soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That’s why I pea soup all night!

The police officer only had soups for dinner. He was a soup-erintendent.

Don’t give stew-pid advice.

If you are a fan of alphabet soup, you should also try times new ramen.

The wife told her husband he was a hopeless ramen-tic.

I ordered two thousand pounds of Chinese soup. Technically, it was a won-ton soup.

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