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Soup puns in 2025

My dad believes it is good to have soup before my meal. He is very soup-erstitious

The easiest way to know that you are eating a bowl of rabbit soup is to take a look inside and find a hare in it.

The bowl of soup you bought yesterday from the Chinese restaurant was souper terrible.

He really loves philo-soup-hy.

What is the most acidic soup? Ph0.

When I was little my parents always gave me alphabet soup claiming that I liked it but they were just putting words in my mouth.

When I took a break from having soup, my mom said “Carry on, why did you stoup?”

A ghost’s favorite soup is Scream of Brocolli.

“Mom, what do we have for this dinner?” – “I cannot tell you. It is a little soup-prise, son!”

Are you chicken?

Movie producers always say that they feature sex scenes because sex plays an indispensable part of our life. So why don’t they feature more soup scenes? Soup is also essential to our life and nobody gets tired of having soup.

This local restaurant serves all kinds of soup. It has a soup-erb menu.

Do you know what is so special about the alphabet soup of Twitter?
– It only allows 140 letters.

When the chef asked me how I would like my soup, I said “I would like minestrone”.

When the chef asked me if I want a soup-er salad, I said “A regular one is fine”.

That was the souperior choice.

When I said “God, Thank you for this delicious noodle soup”, my dad said “Ramen”.

Cooking is my soup-erpower!

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