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Soup puns in 2025

When I complained about the soup, the chef said: “Udon even know what the soup should taste like!”.

If we cross lobster bisque and Elon Musk, what we have is a soup-er car

I would choose mashed potatoes over pea soup. While I can mash potatoes, I can’t pea soup

A soup and stew are very different. While one is stew-pendous, the other is soup-er.

I can’t wait for her souprise birthday party.

The soup was busy and preoccupied. He was stewing over something his friend said.

What do you call the biggest size of soup you can order in restaurants? Souper size.

Baby, you always make miso happy!

What do we call a chicken inside a hot tub? – It is called soup.

The chef taught me how to cook brilliant soups. He soup-ervised me very well.

I can only cream (dream) of getting more soup.

Do you know what firemen often add to their soup? They add firecrackers.

One bowl of soup said to the other, “Hello Broth-er”.

My mum makes the best soups. She is a real soup-erstar.

I am soup-er into the beautiful girl that I met yesterday at school.

Have you ever wondered if illiterate people would get the full effects of alphabet soup?

I need some air souport!

I called the local restaurant and told them “I want a table for pho”.

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