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Squirrel puns in 2025

Why do squirrels swim on their backs?
– To keep their nuts dry.

What do you get if you cross a squirrel with an elephant?
– An animal that never forgets where it’s hidden its nuts.

Why couldn’t the squirrel eat the macadamia nut?
– It was one tough nut to crack.

A Squirrel just told me a Joke,
– it was Nuts

How do you make friends with a squirrel?
– Climb up a tree and act like a nut!.

Why did the squirrel bury the tin of fish?
– Because tuna spelt backwards is “a nut”.

I saw a squirrel running in circles in my yard today…
– I think it lost its nuts.

“How do you get a squirrel to like you?”
– “Act like a nut.”

Why did the squirrel take apart the classic car?
– To get down to the nuts and bolts.

Psychologist: What brings you here today?
– Squirrel: I realized I am what I eat….. Nuts.

Where do Squirrels go during Hurricanes?
– It depends on which direction the wind is blowing.

One day I saw a squirrel burying lotto tickets under a large bush, so I asked him what he was doing.
– He told me he was hedging his bets.

How do you catch a rich squirrel?
– Climb a tree and act like a cashew.

What did the squirrel say when he had to decide whether to stay or jump?
– I’m really on the fence about this one.

Some squirrels had a party last night
– And it goes nuts

What is squirrels’s least favourite month?
– November.

How do you catch a Polynesian squirrel?
– Climb a tree and act like a coconut.

What do you call a squirrel that solves crimes?
– Squirrel-lock Holmes.

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