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Star puns in 2025

My brother got a Star Wars character tattoo; you should’ve seen the Luke on his face.

Why does Kylo Ren’s lightsaber have so much crackle?
– Snap and Pop were busy.

Why didn’t the Dog Star laugh at the joke?
– It was too Sirius.

What songs do stars, and planets sing for birthday and Christmas?
– Nep-tunes!

A lamb is the brightest star amongst all the animals.

Why did the star have a crush on the sun?
– It was the center of his universe.

What do bats and stars have in common,
– they all come out at night and stay up late.

Game of Clones

A Plagueis on both your houses!

I send all of my friend’s pictures to NASA because they are of amazing stars.

When momma star was fixing up the light bulb with the help of a ladder, papa star exclaimed, “She’s reaching new lights.”

What did the morning star say to Saturn?
– We have dated for a while yet you haven’t put a ring on it!

How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil?
– Since the Sith Grade

Slaughterhouse CT-5555

As the astronauts saw the star fall, they looked at it and Apollo-gized.

My son Luke loves being named after a Star Wars character, but my daughter Chewbacca not so much.

Why do people hate Orion’s belt?
– It is such a big waist of space.

What kind of spaceship did Luke fly in grade school?
– An ABC-Wing.

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