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Star puns in 2025

Bringing Up BB-8

If rebirth really happens, I want to become a star in my next life. It would be a great constellation prize.

The Death Star’s shield generator steps into a bar, and the bartender says, “Alright pal, I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.”

Am told the star down the road was prosecuted for calling the moon lunatic.

How do Sith Lords say goodbye?
– Darth-LATER!!!

I’m on cloud Nien Nunb

If starlight would have some mass, it would be called a heavy metal star.

The only stars that wear sunglasses are the movie stars. The star got arrested down the street because it was a shooting star.

Everybody thought I was a genius and I did nothing much, I just star-red the soup and left it to boil.

East of Iden

Stars and bats are so similar. They both come out at night and stay up late.

I don’t know why people argue and complain about Star Wars; it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Milk explores interstellar space when ingested by a seagull because it is enter-gull-lactic.

What’s the name of Obi-Wan’s twin brother?
– Obi-Also

Ewok the Line

Vincent Van Gogh used to be a great fan of movie stars. So, he painted ‘Starry Night’.

Was thinking about making some dad jokes about star wars, but I didn’t want to stoop Solo.

I’m reading an exciting book about stars and the principle of anti-gravity in space. I simply can’t put it down.

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