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Star Wars puns in 2025

A Jedi Master asked his mum if he could get four sweets before dinner, but she said ‘no dear you can have Obi Wan’.

The Fault in Our Death Star

Yoda always takes a camera with him because he loves taking Yodagraphs.

When Santa saw Rey he said ‘you’ve Lando’ed on my nice list this year!’

No Country for Old Phantom Menace

Anakin Skywalker crossed the road to get to the dark side.

If a droid becomes a ghost then they turn C-through-PO.

The Carbonite Sleep

Are they a friend or Poe?

To bake Star Wars bread, you have to use bicarbonate of Yoda.

Are you Sidious?

Heart of Darthness

Yoda’s favourite day of the year is May 4th.

At the Christmas party, everyone was Ewoking around the Christmas tree.

Toydarian Story

Darth Vader knew what he would get for his birthday because he felt his presents.

Gungans use Jar-Jars for their cookies!

Game of Clones

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