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Steak puns in 2025

Do you know what Cthulhu loves on his steak?
– H. P. Sauce!

Steak’s son got a victory at the spelling bee, so Steak groaned “well-done.”

A Steak Pun
… Is a rare medium, well done.

When a sandwich, chilli, and a steak walked into a bar, the bartender said, “We don’t serve food here.”

A waiter served a ladyfish a fish steak. She said in surprise, “Oh my Cod.”

When Gordon Ramsey went to an old steakhouse and ate their undercooked steak, he shouted:”Oh no! This steak is so raw it’s eating the salad.”

Steak Puns
They are a rare medium, but usually well done.

The only thing that occurs when dragons get bored with strip steaks is a flaming yawn.

A steak pun
Is rare and medium well done

This is a pretty high steak pun.
A steak pun is a rare medium well done.

I saw a man that used different cuts of steak to create portraits of people
It was a rare medium, but well done

A steak pun
is a rare medium well done.

My friend asked about my secret of making the juiciest steak
He isn’t pleased saying it’s too dry….. I just told him “it needs more thyme in the pan”

The lady asked that she wanted her steaks just like her beauty- well done!

How did you find your steak, sir?
– Right next to the potatoes.

When a steak monster gets frightened, it flares up in a medium roar.

Steak Puns…
They’re a rare medium, well done.

A cow which has lost all her legs is a ground beef.

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