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Succulent puns in 2025

You prickle my fancy.

Cactus makes perfect!

Chive never met anyone quite like you.

What’s the difference between a BMW and a Cactus? Pricks are on the outside of Cactuses.

I think you are going to be a very succ-sessful gardener!

Thistle be the best day ever.

Cactus what you preach.

I hate when bay leaves.

Let’s accept a leaf of belief.


I’m a succa for puns.

You’re my bam-boo.

Aloe-ve you

I wish your born day is on point.

The man’s wife asked him why he put succulents in front of all the windows.
He said “Because, honey. Aloe view.”

Grab life by the thorns.

I’m rooting for you!

There’s two balloons in the desert. One says look out for that cactus! The other goes What Cactussssss…

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