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Succulent puns in 2025

Hope your birthday is on point.

I hope bristle cheer you up!

Happy Succing V-Day

I am prepared to accept it from cacti to cactus.

Why are succulents less selfish when in teams?
Because it’s Cactus not cacti

I hope your day is on point!

Do you have the thyme? I need to get somewhere around tree o’clock.

What do you call a human that’s now a cactus? A transplant.

I wasn’t too sure about succulents, but you know what, they really grew on me!

Chive never met anyone quite like you.

I don’t know too many cactus jokes, but I guess bristle do.

Chive never met anyone quite like you.

The companionship between us is unbeleafable.

Say aloe to my little friend!

Pretty fly for a cacti.

You grow girl!

Let’s get SUCCED up!

Existence would succ if you were not there.

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