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Summer puns in 2025

What will you get when you cross a shark and a snowman?
– Frostbite!

Don’t know where to go on your holiday? Just wing it!

“I’ll be back. Just hanging out with some grill friends.”

What will you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean?
– A title wave.

Why do fish love to eat worms?
– Because they get hooked on them!

Make your own decisions this summer, don’t give in to pier pressure.

“Are we good, beaches?”

“Please excuse my resting beach face.”

What does a shark like to eat for dinner?
– Fish and ships!

Where does the sun drink mostly?
– Sunglasses

Don’t worry, beach happy.

“Hope you have a fintastic day.”

Which letter is the coolest of them all?

What’s the reason of elephants getting kicked out of the pool?
– They kept dropping their trunks.

Why is there a fish at the bottom of the sea?
– Because he dropped out of school.

Which fish is the most popular?
– The star fish!

Life is way better in slow m-ocean!

“I’m melting for you.”

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