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Summer puns in 2024

What Something a-piers to be wrong.did the fisherman say when his fishing line got tangled?
– Something a-piers to be wrong.

Why did the detectives suddenly appeared at the concert at the beach?
– Something fishy was going on.

What did one tidepool say to another tidepool?
– Come on! Show me your mussels!

Let’s take a trip to the beach, I could really use some vitamin sea!

“Hey, don’t worry. Just beach happy.”

What will you give a sick lemon?
– Lemon-aid.

What did the grape say when she was stepped on?
– Nothing, she just made a little wine!

What is the main difference between a piano and a fish?
– You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish!

Why don’t we stick to the sea-nic route?

“Hey beach! Long time no sea.”

“You are one crazy little sun of a beach”

What did the baby corn tell the mama corn?
– Where is pop corn?

What are frogs’ favorite drink on a hot summer day?
– Croak-o-cola.

Summer is my favorite sea-sun of the year.

“Life’s a beach so just enjoy the waves.”

What crashes onto the shore on tiny beaches?
– Micro-waves.

Where do math teachers normally like to go on summer vacation?
– Times Square

How did the father shark plead in his murder case?
– Not gill-ty.

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