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Summer puns in 2025

Where do math teachers normally like to go on summer vacation?
– Times Square

How did the father shark plead in his murder case?
– Not gill-ty.

I had a splashing good time today.

“I’m feeling beachy today.”

What fruits do ghosts love to eat?
– Boo-berries.

What will you say to a sweaty puppy?
– You are one hot dog!

Now that it’s summer, we’ve got to seas the day!

This vacation has been sand-sational!

“It’s aboat time to go.”

“You’re the best sea-ster ever”

How can someone know that the ocean is friendly?
– It waves!

How would you be able to prevent a Summer cold?
– Catch it in the Winter!

Aboat time for summer to start again.

“Anything is popsicle whenever I am with you.”

Why do bananas like to use sunscreen?
– Because they peel!

Which country do sheep go on vacation?
– The Baaa-hamas.

What do you call a huge fish that makes you an offer in which you can’t refuse?
– The Codfather.

Water you sinking aboat?

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