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Sun puns in 2025

What is hairy, brown, and wears shades?
– A coconut going on a vacation.

“Oh yeah buoy.”

When the sun gets married, it will be a match shade in heaven.

What is the sun’s favorite ride at the theme park?
– The solar coasters.

What did Sin and Cos want to stay out in the sun for a bit longer?
– They wanted to become tanned gents.

What did the guy say when his friends laughed at his poor attempt at applying sunscreen on his back?
– “Please, don’t rub it in.”

“Hey, don’t worry. Just beach happy.”

It’s all ready, sun and dusted.

What do people who love summer over winter say while arguing about it?
– When all that is said and sun, I love summer more.

How does the sun like his eggs for breakfast?
– Sunny-side-up.

What kind of waves would a sea on the sun possibly have?
– Heat waves.

Why does everyone love jokes about the sun?
– Because they are de-lightful.

“Hey beach! Long time no sea.”

The sun doesn’t need to go to school, it’s already the brightest.

Why is the sun always very mad at the clouds?
– They just keep throwing shade.

What does the sun say to his kid?
– I love you, sun!

What is a sun’s favorite song by ‘Queen’?
– ‘Another sun bites the dust.’

“Life’s a beach so just enjoy the waves.”

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