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Sun puns in 2025

If you can see the sun, you can see as star as the human eye can see.

Why did the sun get into so much trouble?
– He took his pranks to star.

Why did the sun make his little son attend school?
– So he could get brighter.

Why are Ancient Egyptian males who worship the sun similar to noodles?
– They’re called Ra-men.

“Don’t ever get tide down.”

Scientists who study the sun must have a flare for research.

What happened to the girl who was up all night thinking about where the sun could have gone?
– The answer dawned upon her in the morning.

Why does everyone love being friends with stars?
– Because of their sunny personalities.

Where do sheep go on their summer vacation?
– To the Baa-hamas.

“Water you waiting for?!”

Think about it: the sun’s only son is its sole-heir.

What did the fool do to figure out where the sun went every day after dark?
– He stayed up all night.

What did the planets in the solar system say to the sun to appreciate him?
– We’d be in a dark place without you.

What is the one free thing everyone gets from the sun?
– A free trip around the sun.

“Glad to ketchup with you.”

It’s impossible for the sun to be on time; he’s always fashionably light.

Why did the sun feel so dizzy?
– Because he felt light-headed.

What do pigs say when they stay too long under the sun?
– I am bacon.

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