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Sunflower puns in 2025

I feel really bad for sunflowers seeds, if they are really unlucky, they could get themselves into a pickle.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do

Every dogwood has its day

I was really confused when I saw my neighbors flower bed alive and blooming. I said, “Didn’t your sunflowers die last week?”. They aren’t sunflowers he said, “these are “re-incarnations”

The sunflower told the DJ at the disco he was lavender songs

Smile to the world and smile to the people you love, like a sunflower smiles at the sun. Have a beautiful and happy day!

Thistle while you work

A friend perfected his garden sunflower flower beds through a process of trowel and error.

Stealing sunflowers would be a terrible crime. It’s de-flora-ble.

You grow girl!

What in carnation

You grow girl

The sunflower told me his love for me blossoms every day.

The bird in my garden couldn’t eat the sunflower seeds, it was impeccable.

Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also. He attracts and follows

Back to the fuschia

The sun flower with no smell really confused everyone. It just made no scents.

I stepped on a sunflower, he told me I put him in an orchid position.

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