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Sunflower puns in 2025

Hey bud, how’s it growing?

The sunflower was feeling lonely. He said he just wanted to get some-bud-y to love.

The sunflower couldn’t finish his homework, I told him three daisies may be enough.

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows follow behind you.

Are you feeling bouquet?

The sunflower is a favorite emblem of constancy.

Time to put the petal to the metal

Someone keeps sending me sunflowers with the heads cut off. Think I have a stalker.

My teacher told me I should have planted sunflowers for my homework. Whoopsie Daisy

She is a sunflower! She brings hope to people.

Last bud not least

Sometimes I drop sunflower seeds in my neighbor’s garden, it’s sow cheeky of me.

Turn your face to the sun-flower.

Peony for your thoughts?

Don’t stop be-leafing

Here comes the sunflower.

I feel really bad for sunflowers seeds, if they are really unlucky, they could get themselves into a pickle.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do

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