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Sushi puns in 2025

After eating sushi, a guest commented: That sushi wasn’t even cooked. I can’t believe I just wasted my money!

For a little while I thought I found something to replace my love for sushi….
…but alas, it was only tempurary.

A Sunni and a Shia Muslim have a child together
– They name her Sushi

I don’t trust sushi. It always seems a bit fishy.

With hesitance of speech, he said, “you are my soy mate.”

And the fisher men sang as they fished, “raw raw raw your boat”

so much sushi, so little time

Have you tried the whale sushi?
It’s Killer

Sushi. I think it’s the best food in the tuna-verse.

Sushi-loving cannibals fancy raw kin roll music.

We need to chopstick together now that we live in the same area.

What do you call it when you’re waiting in line for raw fish?
– A sushi queue.

If you’ve never tasted sushi, give the whale sushi a go. It’s killer.

The two of you make very good friends. Ever since you met, he is soy into you.

It is on record that the world greatest sushi chef started his training at the age of tuna half.

The sushi chef’s favorite roll is the payroll.

life’s too short to eat bad sushi

Would you like rice with that?

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