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Sushi puns in 2025

My friend and I can rarely agree on which sushi restaurant to visit. We’re obviously dancing to different tuna.

If you haven’t tasted sushi, try whale sushi. It is a killer.

His subject made miso happy that I always looked forward to his lesson.

we’re all over this sushi like white on rice

Last week I thought I’d found something to replace my sushi addiction with. Alas it was only tempurary.

There are different types of foods you can eat, but if you are going to court, kindly take sue-shi.

The sushi chef can be a good husband simply because he is such a rice guy.

What do sushi makers have in common with Spanish pirates? Answer: They both seek fortuna.

What do sushi makers have in common with Spanish pirates?
– They both seek fortuna.

You are soy awesome.

Sushi crossed the road sushi could get to the other side.

I can’t believe he did that to you. I am soy soy sorry.

The restaurant was o-fish-ally opened last week.

whatever the question, the answer is sushi

I do a rice job when I make my family sushi.

Salmon here must like my sushi puns.

If you are a straight A-student, the best type of sushi for you is the honor roll.

I am soy sorry about what happened to you yesterday.

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