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Taco puns in 2025

Taco big or taco home

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It’s good to have friends who are taco chef. They are
always seasoning the day.

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People think eskimos eat fish, but most of the time they eat brrr-itos.

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Did you hear about the new Mexican restaurant? It’s
the taco the town!

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We can taco-ver the phone.

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You can get the tastiest tacos if you go to the gulp of Mexico.

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Dont eat too many tacos—you’ll put yourself into a

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Let’s not burrito round the bush.

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I made some fish tacos last night. They just swam around for ages and didn’t eat them.

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Taco chance on me

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Tacos say their own sort of Grace before a meal. It starts
with, “lettuce pray.”

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Tortillas don’t sing Happy Birthday, they prefer to sing, “fajita jolly good fellow.”

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Why are tortillas such bad conversationalists? They
always tacover you!

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You need taco-operate with us

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Tacos are always depressed, they fall apart so easily.

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I packed you an extra taco—just in queso you need it!

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I hate tacos, said no Juan ever.

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My cat hates tacos, she prefers to eat purr-itos.

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