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Teacher puns in 2025

Who built King Arthur’s Round Table? Sir Cumference

My teacher looked at me and said, “Quick, name two pronouns!” I said “Who, me?”

Let’s eat Grandma. Let’s eat, Grandma. Comma’s save lives.

Old math teachers never die, they just become irrational.

Things annoying teacher say: Do not pack up yet, we still have 26 seconds on the clock.

My trigonometry teacher is so hard to understand.
– She always talks in sine language.

I don’t think you understand the gravity of this science lesson

Not all math puns are horrible. Only sum

My maths teacher called me average once. It was mean.

He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

There’s no time for Stalin when you’re Russian to industrialize

The history teacher asked a student, “Can you tell me where Napoleon came from?”
– “Of Corsican,” replied the student.

English teachers are always write!

When the teacher asked a question the students were all up in arms.

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle.

I once told my science teacher a chemistry joke. There was no reaction though.

Once I told a chemistry joke. There was no reaction.

y=mx+b is my favorite one-liner

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