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Teacher puns in 2025

Metaphors be with you

The music students were out of control. They were all keyed up.

Why were the math teachers so tired?
– They were out of shape.

A backward poet writes inverse.

Math teachers have problems

Teaching history is boring – it’s old news.

My friend used to teach Computer Science but then he lost his drive.

Without geometry, life is pointless.

What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock

We went on a trip with my English teacher, who was scared of bugs.
– He screamed so loudly when he noticed there was an antonym.

I make horrible science puns, but only periodically

If you leave alphabet soup on the stove, it could spell disaster.

My math teacher was confused when I started doing sums on the floor, but he’d told us to do them without using tables.

Using a broken pencil is pointless.

You know what seems odd to me? Numbers that aren’t divisible by 2

The problem with English teachers is that they’re always write.

English teachers get lit

Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red.

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