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Teacher puns in 2025

Who should be your best friend at school?
– Your princi-pal!

My teacher pointed his ruler at me and said there was an idiot at the end of it. I asked which end.

I’m out of chemistry jokes, but I should zinc of a new one

You have to be odd to be number 1

The good thing about an English teacher – they never write a student off.

English teachers never write students off.

Those who gossip have a sense of rumor.

As a history teacher I like to Babylon

The best gift for your geographer? A globe would mean the world to them.

Metaphors be with you

The music students were out of control. They were all keyed up.

Why were the math teachers so tired?
– They were out of shape.

A backward poet writes inverse.

Math teachers have problems

Teaching history is boring – it’s old news.

My friend used to teach Computer Science but then he lost his drive.

Without geometry, life is pointless.

What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock

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