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Teeth puns in 2024

What did the dentist say to the doughnut?
– You need a filling.

What did the dentist say to the tree?
– You need a root canal.

My dentist pulled out the wrong tooth
He said it was accidental

My dentist had quite a number of good looking clothes. So I wondered where he bought them from. She told me her favorite place to get clothes was The Gap.

I had a broken tooth and so, I went to the dentist for advice on how to fix it. He said to do it with tooth paste.

I got a gold filling and put my money where my mouth is.

Some babies have natal teeth, which are one or two teeth you’re born with.

What do you call a bear who has no teeth?
– A gummy bear.

They grow up so fast. My son lost his first tooth Saturday night.
He got in a fight with the bouncer at a club.

Why are false teeth like vampires?
– They both come out at night.

I once heard about a dentist who planted a big garden. A few weeks later he was seen to be picking his teeth.

The other day a patient didn’t show up at his dentist’s place for his root canal. I guess he just lost his nerve.

‘May the floss be with you!’ – Lick Skytalker

Why did the dentist remove the wrong tooth?
– He didn’t mean to, he did it acciDENTALly

What do dentists call their patients’ X-rays?
– Tooth pics.

What do you call a dentist who removed wrong tooth?
– An accidentist.

My dentist recently won the dentist of the year title. He received a little plaque as the prize.

The dentist couldn’t ask his secretary if she wanted to go out to get some dinner. Probably
– because he had already been taking out a tooth.

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