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Teeth puns in 2025

The mineral that makes up tooth enamel is called Apatite

What did the dentist say to the judge before his operation?
– I promise to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.

Be kind to dentists
They have fillings too

Dentists usually seem very moody. It’s probably
– because they are always looking down in the mouths.

I went to my dentist today and while I was talking to her she seemed quite distracted. I had the feeling that she was brushing me off.

Dentists aren’t easily offended, they always manage to brush it off!

Some people never grow all, or any, of their wisdom teeth.

Which type of dinosaur has the best teeth?
– The Flossoraptor.

What do tuba players need when they’re cleaning his teeth?
– A tuba toothpaste.

My dentist said I need a crown.
I was like I know, right?

The other day I needed some x-rays when I went to the dentist’s place. My dentist kept calling them tooth-pics.

I went to the dentist without lunch so he gave me a plate.

What did the dentist say to the doughnut?
– You need a filling.

What did the dentist say to the tree?
– You need a root canal.

My dentist pulled out the wrong tooth
He said it was accidental

My dentist had quite a number of good looking clothes. So I wondered where he bought them from. She told me her favorite place to get clothes was The Gap.

I had a broken tooth and so, I went to the dentist for advice on how to fix it. He said to do it with tooth paste.

I got a gold filling and put my money where my mouth is.

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