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Teeth puns in 2024

No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation.

This first set of teeth are called milk teeth and there are 20 of them.

What is a dentist’s favourite animal?
– A molar bear.

It’s unfortunate that the cop lost his tooth on job
But it’s a huge responsibility & someone had to bite the bullet.

What is the best time to go to the dentist?
– Tooth-hurty.

I went to my dentist because my tooth was hurting. Although, my cavity wasn’t really fixed by my regular doctor. A guy that was filling in for him did the work.

Be kind to your dentist because he has fillings too.

It’s no surprise that dentists are sad, they’re always down in the mouth!

When did the dentist develop tooth pain?
– Tooth-hurty! (2:30)

What do you call a dentist who doesn’t like tea?
– Denis.

What’s white, furry and shaped like a tooth?
– A molar bear

An orthodontist went to the theme park and rode on a roller coaster. He braced himself before the ride started.

That day, a man was arrested for looking at some sets of dentures at the dentist’s window. It was against the law that you cannot pick your teeth in public.

I’ve been to the dentist several times so I know the drill.

Why did the yogi refuse anesthetic to have his tooth extracted?
– He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Before falling on hard times, the tooth fairy used to be a lawyer.
Now she wants the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.

How do teeth like to learn?
– From dental teethers.

A judge went to his dentist because he had a damaged tooth and had to get it out. Before the dentist started, the judge said, “Do you swear you’ll pull the tooth, the entire tooth, nothing but the tooth?”

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