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Teeth puns in 2025

My dentist has an obsession with different kinds of dinosaurs. But his favorite kind is the Flossiraptor.

I got a gold filling and put my money where my mouth is.

What did the girl say when the dentist asked her what type of filling she’d like?
– A chocolate one, please!

Why did the king visit the dentist?
– Because he wanted to get his teeth crowned.

The wisdom of pulling teeth
– I am sorry

A computer went to the dentist one day. He was a little nervous but the doctor consoled him by saying, “don’t worry, it won’t hurt a byte”.

The man with the teeth issues couldn’t find where the dentist’s office was. Probably because there wasn’t any plaque to recognize.

Dentists practice by going through many drills.

Most children have all of their first set of teeth by the time they are three.

What do you give a lion with toothache?
– Whatever he wants.

My girlfriend has been complaining about her tooth hurting…
I told her it’s all in her head.

What did the girl say to the dentist after she’d eaten glue?
– Nothing, her lips were sealed.

The other day I left a comb of mine at the dentist’s place. I guess now it’s become a fine-toothed comb.

The dentist and the manicurist weren’t good friends at all. Probably because they always fought tooth and nail.

Dentists love when their patients play Fornite, a great way to get the kids flossing!

What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed his tooth?
– The dentist.

What did one dentist say to the other dentist when they went on a roller coaster?
– Brace yourself.

My dentist removed the wrong tooth
It was accidental

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