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Teeth puns in 2025

Why did the deer need to wear braces?
– Because he had buck teeth.

(X-post) Weaponized Saber-tooth cats would be a real menace.
They’re armed to the teeth.

What type of transport takes you to tooth island?
– A tooth ferry.

The dentist once told me that my teeth are like some string of pearls. He said it’s
– because each one of them has one hole through it.

Two dentists were friends but they lived across the country from one another. I guess you could say that they were molar opposites.

Depression in dentists is a serious dental illness.

Did you hear about the wisdom tooth who got smart with the dentist?
– [removed]

Whoever came up with the word dentures really missed an opportunity to call it “Substi-tooths”.

If your dentist pulls the wrong tooth
Is it acci-dental?

I’ve been going to the dentist since I was a kid. I just know the drill by now.

A guru went to the dentist one day but refused any painkillers. It’s probably
– because he rather wished to transcend dental medication.

Dentists practice by going through many drills.

I have a huge sweet tooth, but only when my wife is around
I can never get enough brownie points

What do you call it when an Elephant has a loose tooth? Perfect joke with the LSU/Alabama game going on right now..
– Tuskaloosa

Why are teeth sharp?
– Because they do their homework.

One day a golfer went to the dentist. The dentist checked on her and said “Well miss, you seem to have a hole in one”.

The deer went to the dentist and the dentist said that it needed braces. Probably because it had buck teeth.

Ten years without brushing causes horrible tooth decade.

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