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Tennis puns in 2025

A tennis ball can be served but should not be eaten.

You can never get short balls over the net! Solution: Drop shot from arsenal.

The retired tennis player didn’t make a great waiter
– because he kept saying “You Got Served!”

The only tennis tournament that never closes is the OPEN.

Dogs are really good when it comes to playing tennis, probably
– because they have such strong four-hand.

Players at our local tennis club couldn’t surf the web yesterday. Probably
– because there was some problem with the server.

Two birds played a tennis match. Ironically, the one that made the worst calls was a Hawk….aye!

The tennis player always had bad cellphone reception at the stadium due to a bad call.

Elmo has gotten better at tennis since he decided to stick to a healthy diet that was glue-ten free.

I always wondered where most of the good tennis players come from.
Then my friend told me that most of them come from Tennis-see.

American Indians used to have their own professional tennis tournaments, and provided free housing to players from other tribes.
– They called it the A Tee Pee Tour. (I mean no disrespect to American Indians!)

I like my matches like my tennis balls: Pressureless.

Fish hate playing tennis
– because they will not go anywhere near the net.

The reason why ex-convicts love playing tennis is probably
– because they get to serve time.

I gave a junior tennis player some advice on her footwork.
I’m pretty disappointed that she took such a closed-stance on that.

Too bad my serve hit the tape. Well, at least they’ll LET me hit it again.

The man with four hands is a great tennis player
– because of his four-hand.

My friend Evelyn tells me that the state with the most tennis players is Tennis-see.

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