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Tequila puns in 2025

“You bring the tequila and I’ll bring the bad decisions.”

Tequila wont fix your life..
..But its definitely worth a shot.

“Taking shots of tequila is just another way of saying, ‘I like where I wake up to always be a surprise.’”

Tequila might not be the answer
– But it’s worth a shot.

“Tequila: Magic water for fun people.”

Just got back from the supermarket – there was a guy rushing round the shop who had brought 15kg of paella rice, 5 cases of tequila, 8 sombreros and 12 piñatas.
– I thought to myself, Hispanic buying.

“Margaritas are the answer, but I don’t remember the question.”

What happens when you spill tequila at the pudding factory?
– The proof is in the pudding

“’Hakuna Tequila.’ That means ‘no memories.’”

“Trust me, one isn’t enough. – Tequila”

“Tequila probably won’t fix your problems but it’s worth a shot.”

When I order tequila at Hogsmeade…
– I Expecto Patronum!

“Stop trying to make everyone happy. Remember, you’re not a tequila.”

“Tequila is my salmon.” – Eddie Redmayne

Given my experience, I’m not the best at giving advice when it comes to tequila.
– So you all have to take it with a grain of salt.

“One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR!”

Tequila may not fix your life
– But it’s worth a shot

“One tequila. Two tequila. Three tequila. Floor.”

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