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Tequila puns in 2025

“Give me coffee for the things I can change and tequila for those I can’t.”

“The Tequila made me do it!”

What kind of tequila does someone with a foot fetish drink?
– Hornitos.

“Stop trying to make everyone happy. You’re not tequila.”

“I didn’t text you, tequila did.”

Stained my shirt by spilling tequila on my stomach.
– Something is telling me to ab-stain

“This tequila tastes like I’m not going to work tomorrow.”

What do you get when you mix apple juice and tequila?
– A diaharita

“Exercise makes you look and feel good naked…so does tequila, your choice!”

“Trust me you can dance! – Tequila”

If someone says Tequila is good for you
– Take it with a pinch of salt

“Don’t be shy, send that 12th unanswered text!”

Following a bad breakup a bartender advised me that happiness lies at the bottom of a tequila bottle
– I took it with a grain of salt

“Everyone has a hidden talent they don’t know about until the tequila is poured.”

“Tequila: Magic water for fun people.”

Just got back from the supermarket – there was a guy rushing round the shop who had brought 15kg of paella rice, 5 cases of tequila, 8 sombreros and 12 piñatas.
– I thought to myself, Hispanic buying.

“Margaritas are the answer, but I don’t remember the question.”

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