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Terrible puns in 2025

What do you get if you cross a snake with a pie?
-A pie-thon.

If you ever feel cold just stand in a corner.
-They’re usually around 90 degrees.

I thought about becoming a witch so I tried it for a short spell.

Jokes about german sausage are the wurst.

Why was the cow afraid?.
-He was a cow-herd.

Don’t drink with ghosts, they can’t handle their boos.

I dropped my toothpaste, I’m crestfallen.

What did the dalmatian say after lunch?
-That hit the spot.

What do you call an attractive volcano?

Singing quietly has never been my forte.

What do you call a bear with no teeth?
– A gummy bear.

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

Thanks for explaining the word many to me, it means a lot.

I’m starting to think the judges had some sort of All-Terrier motive.

What sound does a sleeping T-Rex make?
-A dino-snore.

Why did the pun fail his English class?
-Because he didn’t use proper pun-ctuation.

I’m glad I know sign language, it’s pretty handy.

Which dinosaur has the best vocabulary?
– The thesaurus.

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