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Thank you puns in 2025

Thanks for nothing and everything.

If I knew how to say thank you, I would.

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! If I had a dollar for each, I’d be rich! (Seriously, let’s put that plan in motion for next year)

Why don’t Canadians have many orgies?
– Too many thank-you notes.

Gift a box of strawberries to your teacher and write, “Thank you berry much.”

Mom — thank you for teaching me how to use the big potty. That has proven to be a valuable life skill.

A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting next to you saying, “Boy, that was fun!”

Grateful AF.

Inside a bouquet of flowers, you can write, “Thank you for making me bloom.”

I would say you’re the greatest, but you already think I’m the greatest. Thanks!

Give your teacher a water bottle and write, “You quench my thirst for knowledge.”

Like cheese, I’m truly grate-ful for all that you do.

I’ll get you next time.

You’re more thoughtful than my mother.

Gift a ruler to a math teacher and write, “You really do measure up.”

Thanks for hiring me. Hope you don’t regret it.

I don’t understand people who say, “I don’t know how to thank you!” Like they’ve never heard of money.

Thanks pho everything. (More food thanks)

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