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Thanksgiving puns in 2025

Getting the longer part of the wishbone is a snap.

Pour some gravy on me

Merry Black Friday Eve!

“I pecan’t even.” (Oh, yes, you pe-can.)

Poul-tree on Thursday, Christmas Tree
on Friday.

What do you call a small cup at Thanksgiving
A Gobble-let

Because stuffing compares, stuffing
compares to you.

Leftovers are for quitters

We’ll worry about the Christmas tree later.
Today it’s all about the poul-tree.

We’ll worry about the Christmas tree later.
Today it’s all about the poul-tree.

The way we shop a few hours after
Thanksgiving would have our ancestors turn
over in their gravy.

Bring on the Turkey Coma

Whip, whip, hooray.

I yam what I yam.

What is a turkey’s favorite candy? Gobble-stopper

Let’s give ’em pumpkin’ to talk about.

You think Thanksgiving dinner is done? You
ain’t seen stuffing yet.

Hello Gourd-geous

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