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Tiger puns in 2025

How did Tiger King become so popular during this pandemic?
Netflix is great with viral marketing.

Tigers are in need of our help.

The good pony apologized to the tiger at the zoo for his sore throat, he said: “I am sorry, I am a little horse.”

“It was nice to meat you!” said Terry Tiger.

Cat-chup – Kitty’s favourite red condiment.

Q: Why don’t tigers like fast food?
A: Because they can’t catch it!

Did you hear about the tiger woods crash?
– He’ll never drive again.

Philosofur – A tiger that thinks a lot.

So the house cats went to the tigers engagement party.
The tigers were having a great time, roaring, baring teeth and in general having a great time. The cats were sitting quietly off to the side. The tigers asked the cats, “Why so quiet ? Don’t you like to have some boisterous fun ?” The cats replied, “Oh yes, we used to be tigers too. Until we got married.”

PS. (This sounded way better when my friend told me in the original Malayalam language slang poocha-pulee)

Don’t cut forgets if you want to save tigers.

Tee-ger – A tiger wearing a tee-shirt.

Cub (curb) your addiction.

A magician once said he could make a tiger disappear but only transformed it into a tabby cat…
It was a sleight exaggeration.

What’s the weakest part of Tiger Woods game?
– Driving

Paws (Pause) – How you stop a lion’s television.

Stop getting into catfights.

Tigers don’t deserve to get extinct.

The big cat was known around town to wear a lot of funky ties. Everyone called him the tie-ger.

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