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Tiger puns in 2025

The tiger asked his longtime friend, “Will you be my tigerlfriend.”

Don’t cross the border, it is furbidden.

I’ve heard so much about the “Eye Of The Tiger”, but how come no one talks about…
…the other four letters?

Tigers will always inspire us.

Ti-grill some meat on the barbeque.

Fairy tails – What little lions love to hear before they go to bed.

TIL that Tiger Woods always brings an extra sock with him to his golf tournaments.
– Just in case he gets a hole in one.

It was reported that a tiger recently exploded in the forest fire. They say it was a Royal Bang-al Tiger.

There is nothing impaws-sible if you’re as brave as a tiger!

You make me wild.

A lion would never cheat on his wife.
But a Tiger Wood.

Why did Tiger Woods’ house burn down?
– Because he got rid of all his hose.

I beg to diffur.

What is Tiger Wood’s favorite place to go on vacation?
– The golf coast.

Jungles and tigers are made for each other.

The tiger ran away from other tigers as they were rude to him. He didn’t want to be involved in a catfight.

Go get em’ tiger.

You have to earn your stripes.

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