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Tiger puns in 2025

I heard that Tiger Wood’s car accident was caused by a problem with his tires…
– He had a hole in one.

You gotta stand fur what you believe in.

Take a ride on the wild side.

They are intimidating, they are tigers.

A tiger lost a storytelling competition recently as he has only got one tail.

Before a tiger eats, he says ” Let us prey“…

I just read that a tiger was spotted downtown
I don’t really believe it though, if it was spotted its probably a leopard.

Killing tigers is a crime.

Our kids tee ball team, the Tigers, won the championship. All the parents were very proud and put in for a little statuette of the front of a tiger to give them to celebrate. When it came in, for some reason it was the back half of a tiger.
– Needless to say, it was a cat ass trophy.

I got the eye of the tiger.

Tigers are just my stripe of animal.

What do you get when your cross a bear and a tiger?
– A bear and a tiger seeking revenge.

7. Someone spotted Tigger running near the toilet as he was searching for the Pooh.

The tiger was lost in a fureign country.

Grrrr-eat job!

Tigers are just big cats.

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