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Toe puns in 2024

My friend stubs his toe.. “I’ll call a toe truck.

The mad man tip-toed around the medical facility. When asked why he said, “I don’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.”

When the man hurt his feet while driving, a passerby offered to help him by calling a toe truck.

I am an artist, and I have been struggling to draw a really good picture of feet. Well, the other day I toe-tally nailed it.

My mother locked the refrigerator and kept the key hooked on her toe. When I asked her why she said she was trying ‘keytoe’ diet.

What do you call a cow with no toes
– Lac-toes intolerant

My father has been working on a foot-controlled keyboard, and today, he finally finished his first pro-toe-type.

I would help but my puns toe-tally suck.

Being an elder brother, I feel like I am always toe-ing my younger brother around. So now is the time to make my way out!

What is a foot’s favorite vegetable?
– Toma-toes.

Toes love all Pokemon, but their favorite is definitely Toe-gepi.

I stubbed my toe on solid gold. “Au Au Au” I cried out in pain!

My new shoes are toe-tally toe-riffic.

My toes are poets and they know it. They’re Longfellows.

When the toes fell out of love, they said, “At least we had a lot of fun-gus between us”.

When the man went to the hospital for a hangnail, the doctor looked at the assistant and said, “Medication won’t help, just call a toe truck. Immediately”.

My insurance company paid for my Range Rover to be towed. When I told this to my father, he asked, “Why are they paying for your big toe?” and we couldn’t stop laughing!

What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his foot?
– Mitosis !!!

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