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Toe puns in 2025

My younger sister thought her TGIF shoes were an instruction manual that told her that the Toes Get In First.

What is the best place for two feet to kiss during Christmas?
– Under the mistle-toe.

The amateur toe played football against a professional and exclaimed “Help, I am toe-tally out of my league!”

A kangaroo stubbed his toe and was really angry about it, he was hopping like mad.

A friend told me that he stays alert because of his ballet classes. They keep him on his toes.

Welp I think I am just toe-ing you around now so I will make my way out.

A breakfast table with a jug of milk on it is a fascinating thing. It has four legs and lacks toes.

The girl cell stepped on her brother’s feet by accident. “Ouch, my toe sis!” he cried out in pain!

My sister loves to show off her big toe skills by using it to pick up things whilst sitting in one place. Whenever I pass on her favorite snack, I say, “Take your burrrrrr-i-toe!”

My girlfriend lost a toe and i dumped her
– I’m lack-toes intolerant

When I went to the doctor with a case of a bad toenail, he prescribed me loads of toe-ma-toe ketchup!

What is a foot’s favorite breakfast food?
– Toe-st.

My father has a friend from Spain with a rubber toe. Whenever he comes home, my mother says, “Your friend Roberto is home for dinner.”

Why did the toe crack?
– Because it was being toe-rtured!

My brother wanted to pick up the popcorn that he dropped in the movie theater. I couldn’t help but say, “That leg of yours has been stretched a little toe much in my way brother!”

I had to call one of my friends to give my sincere con-toe-lenses for her broken toe.

Why was the toe repeatedly ticking off the other toes?
– Because it has the toe-rette’s syndrome!

Burglars don’t really wear shoes; because they have to be quiet, they go for sneakers.

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