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Toe puns in 2025

When the toes fell out of love, they said, “At least we had a lot of fun-gus between us”.

When the man went to the hospital for a hangnail, the doctor looked at the assistant and said, “Medication won’t help, just call a toe truck. Immediately”.

My insurance company paid for my Range Rover to be towed. When I told this to my father, he asked, “Why are they paying for your big toe?” and we couldn’t stop laughing!

What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his foot?
– Mitosis !!!

A dinosaur with a sore toe and foot, should be called an Anklyo-sore-us.

On a different topic my food is toe-riffic.

My younger sister thought her TGIF shoes were an instruction manual that told her that the Toes Get In First.

What is the best place for two feet to kiss during Christmas?
– Under the mistle-toe.

The amateur toe played football against a professional and exclaimed “Help, I am toe-tally out of my league!”

A kangaroo stubbed his toe and was really angry about it, he was hopping like mad.

A friend told me that he stays alert because of his ballet classes. They keep him on his toes.

Welp I think I am just toe-ing you around now so I will make my way out.

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