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Tomato puns in 2025

All the vegetables decided to run a marathon. During the race, the red-faced tomato was lagging behind quite a bit. The other vegetables thought that he’ll never be able to ketchup with them.

What did the potato say to the tomato?
– Hey sweetie, why are you blushing?

Do not eat that alphabet soup, or you will have a vowel movement.

If you are a fan of alphabet soup, then you might also know times new ramen.

The guys down at the new vegetable factory have been trying to get everyone hyped up about their new customizable tomato. They call it the customato.

What type of tomato smells best?
– A Roma

What do you say to a slow tomato?
– Ketch up

The easiest way to know that you are eating a bowl of rabbit soup is to take a look inside and find a hare in it.

Scooby Doo hates Roma Tomatoes.
– He told me he was romophobic.

Recently, the other tomatoes have reported sightings of a vigilante tomato in the town. The local authorities and newspapers have labeled him as The Phantomato.

A tomato walks into a bar and asks for a drink…
– The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

If fish is a type of brain food, then dumb people probably love eating noodle soup.

Have you ever wondered if illiterate people would get the full effects of alphabet soup?

A tomato officer with its team walks to Salad’s house and knocks on the door.
– “Lettuce in!”

This great documentary on growing tomatoes and tomato farming gives everyone a unique be-Heinze the scenes look at the tomato industry.

Why did rotton tomato always felt left out.
– Because he couldn’t ketchup

I am really broth-taking when I see the signer vomiting soup.

My friends say that I cannot cook alphabet soup for this dinner. And now they are eating their words.

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