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Tomato puns in 2025

“Ok.. Milk..check! Eggs…check! Tomatoes…. check!”
– “Sir, would you please stop writing separate checks for every single item?”

The smallest tomato in the class complained to the teacher tomato because the other tomatoes used to make fun of him by calling him the bottomato.

My mate Tom lost his two big toes in an accident. We now call him …
– Tomatoes

Do you know what the favourite soup of a ghost is? It is the Scream of Broccoli.

The soup that she cooks is so thick that the kitchen would go around when she stirs it.

Why could the tomato outrun the broccoli?
– Because he wasn’t a vegetable!

Last night, I missed the cooking show teaching how to make a great red tomato soup. Well, I guess I’d have to ketchup the show later.

This guy always makes vegetable puns, i wonder what’s tomato with him

Udon even know how to cook this udon recipe. Fortunately, I can teach you.

Why do bacon lettuce and tomatoes have the lowest IQ out of all the foods?
– Because they’re in-bred!

When the gamer got to Tomato Town in Fortnite, his game stopped working. He simply used red tomato paste to fix it.

What do two tomatoes do after not seeing each other for a long period of time?
– A ketchup

If mom leaves her alphabet soup on the stove and forgets about it, it would spell disaster.

I am pretty sure that the favourite soup of Dracula is the Scream of tomato.

If I add Quac to a Bacon-Lettuce Tomato Sandwich…
– Does that make it an LGBT?

When the tomato went to the doctor to get his annual health checkup, he asked him, “Please check me thoroughly from my head tomatoes.”

A tomato officer with its team walks to Salad’s house and knocks on the door.
– “Lettuce in!”

My mom is really soup-rised at the outcome when she puts yeast in the broth.

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