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Tomato puns in 2024

Scooby Doo hates Roma Tomatoes.
– He told me he was romophobic.

Recently, the other tomatoes have reported sightings of a vigilante tomato in the town. The local authorities and newspapers have labeled him as The Phantomato.

A tomato walks into a bar and asks for a drink…
– The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

If fish is a type of brain food, then dumb people probably love eating noodle soup.

Have you ever wondered if illiterate people would get the full effects of alphabet soup?

A tomato officer with its team walks to Salad’s house and knocks on the door.
– “Lettuce in!”

This great documentary on growing tomatoes and tomato farming gives everyone a unique be-Heinze the scenes look at the tomato industry.

Why did rotton tomato always felt left out.
– Because he couldn’t ketchup

I am really broth-taking when I see the signer vomiting soup.

My friends say that I cannot cook alphabet soup for this dinner. And now they are eating their words.

As I walked back home after buying red tomatoes and other vegetables, this young kid drove his cycle over my foot. Boy, I had never had this much pain to-ma-toes.

What do you call a tomato that self-identifies as a carrot?
– A transplant.

How does a tomato know everything about everyone?
– He ketchups

Soup is only musical when it is piping hot.

What is it. Red, round and you can’t see it.
– Tomato in another country.

The best way to punish lazy and careless tomato employees from the office is to can them.

Why could the tomato outrun the broccoli?
– Because he wasn’t a vegetable!

When we spill soup on the comic book, we will get soup-erman.

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