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Turkey puns in 2025

United we stand, divided we fowl.

What kind of key has no lock? A turkey.

What’s the first letter turkeys learn in school? Gobble-u

What did they Turkey say to the blade of grass? Nice knawing you!

How many cooks does it take to stuff a turkey?
– One, but you really have to squeeze him in!

What’s the difference between retail workers and turkeys?
We let the turkey rest on Thanksgiving.

Most turkeys learn how to dance and sing at the Butterball.

Why can’t you take turkeys to church? They use fowl language!

What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on a barn roof?
An eggroll.

What did the turkey say when he forgot to study for his test?
“I’ll just wing it.”

What’s a turkey’s favorite type of doll?
– Gobble-heads!

Turkey is the only thing that I do not eat on Thanksgiving day because
it is stuffed.

Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
A: Yes, of course! A building can’t jump at all.

If you call a big turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one?
-A goblet.

Lock him up and throw away tur-key.

What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?Peach gobbler!

This kind of meal is definitely the tur-Key to my heart.

When does a turkey go “mooooo”? When it is learning a new language!

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