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Turkey puns in 2025

When a turkey is using the computer, he might say “Google, Google.”

What did grandma say when picking out the turkey?
Go big or gourd home.

Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?
the outside!

Why did Mom’s turkey seasoning taste a little off last year?
-She ran out of thyme.

An epeck movie.

What do you call a running turkey?
Fast food!

What would the turkey suggest families eat at Thanksgiving?Any food that is not fowl in taste or smell.

What will a turkey with a dramatic bent of mind say to another turkey on Thanksgiving morning?
Ans- To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.

Why don’t they like cheese in Turkey?
Because they despise letting the Kurds have their way.

What was the turkey suspected of? Fowl play.

What do you wear to Thanksgiving dinner? “A har-vest.”

Why don’t you put the turkey near the corn?
Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.

I’d like to cut back on the Christmas leftovers, but I just can’t quit cold turkey.

No fowl play involved in carving this turkey.

On a sunny day, chances are the turkeys will have a pek – nic.

Why did the farmer separate the chicken and the turkey?
He sensed fowl play.

ou think you’re crazy about Thanksgiving?
-You’ve got nothing on the turkeys. When Thanksgiving approaches, they literally lose their heads!

What did the turkey say before he was roasted?
– “OK, spare me no insults. Roast me!”

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