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Turkey puns in 2025

Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing?
It will make him blush.

What’s the easiest way to catch a turkey?
-Ask a friend to toss one at you.

Every little yelps.

What sound does a turkey’s phone make? Wing! Wing!

Knowing how to carve well is tur-Key to a great meal.

When is turkey soup bad for your health?
When you’re the turkey!

If a man wants to eat a turkey on Thanksgiving, what does a turkey want?
Ans- It simply wants to run away.

Why did Jesus ask Judas to crave the turkey?
Cause he likes stabbing things in the back.

What sound will a turkey make in the space? – Hubble, Hubble!

If a turkey runs away, does that make it a chicken?

What do you get when you cross an octopus with a turkey?
-Finally, enough drumsticks for everyone.

What do you call an over-caffeinated turkey?
A perky turkey.

What’s the best thing to do with cold turkey?
-Make turkey chilly!

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a ghost?
A poultrygeist!

When is the best time to eat a turkey?
When it is cooked and on the dinner table.

Why shouldn’t you sit next to a turkey at dinner?
-Because he will gobble it up

At the top of the pecking order.

Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play

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