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Turtle puns in 2025

You have to shell out a ton of money.

We’ll need protracturtle in our next lesson since
the topic will be angles.

Shell yeah beaches.

What do you call a turtle who takes up photography? A snapping turtle.

How do you plan to shell-ebrate the New Year?

She speaks in ridleys.

My turtle is A shell-ebrity.

When turtles die, they all end up in tortoirus.

We have always been in turtle awe of her artistic skills.

I am in turtle awe pf her skills

What kind of photos do turtles take? Shell-fies.

Aww, scute how he walks all wobbly like that.

My friend and I went to a turtle pun class yesterday.
It tortoise nothing.

The reason the turtle army keeps on winning battles
is because they keep on shelling their enemies.

You throw a shell of a good party!

We were all sturtled by the incoming news.

I felt shell shocked after being electrocuted.

A flying turtle is called a shellicopter.

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