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Unicorn puns in 2025

A Mexican unicorn should be called a Junicorn.

. Let’s kick off shall we?
– I just hope that my unicorn puns won’t be too corny for you.

Where do criminal unicorns sentenced to death go?
– They go on corn row.

How do you make a unicorn cry?
– You tell it “Your mother was a HOOORSE!”.

Unicorns are known never to horse around
– because they always get to the point.

Unicorns should be banned from Facebook. The poke everyone all day.

Why did the rude unicorn not say hello to the other?
– Because while the pace (face) was familiar, he just couldn’t remember the mane (name).

What do you call a castrated unicorn?
– A eunuchorn.

“Let me get right to the point: I love pool days.”

A unicorn with large eyelashes is called a U-ni-brow.

A smelly unicorn is called a poo-nicorn.

Unicorns deserve to be banned from facebook
– because all they do is poke people all day.

What has one horn and isn’t magic?
– A dead unicorn.

“I’m 99% unicorn.”

Most unicorns usually call their dads Pop corn.

A small scoop of unicorn ice cream is called a uni-cone.

If an adult is called a unicorn, are its young one’s called puny-corns?

What do we call an intelligent unicorn that always gets high scores at school?
– A corn.

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