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Unicorn puns in 2025

When the little unicorn got bullied at school, he told his pop-corn so he could do something about it.

what’s the difference between a unicorn and a girlfriend?
– i am 8 times more likely to find a unicorn

When a unicorn gets a flu shot, it becomes an immunicorn.

When a unicorn finds a bag of beans instead of corn, it says, “U-no-corn.”

Did you hear about the monk who was caught molesting kids?
– Yeah, bastard was telling the poor kids to touch his eunuch-horn.

I went to get my unicorn neutered…
– Now it’s a eunuchorn

Every time I take LSD some unicorn starts talking to me
– This way I’ll never start hallucinating

A unicorn’s favorite song that they listen to on a loop is ‘Somewhere over the rainbow.’

Everyone called the smelly unicorn Eww-nicorn.

If man’s bet friend is a dog, would a unicorns best friend be a corn dog?

What do you call an academic institute concerning vegetables that only offers their services to mythological creatures?
– A Unicorn

“I was mermaid to ride unicorns.”

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