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Valentines day puns in 2025

Our love is the best because we have such amazing chemistry.

When the deer proposed, he said, “I am very fawn-ed of you.”

When a berry wants to say how much he loves his wife, he tells her, “I love you berry much.”

Life is irrelephant without you.

 I bonobo about you, but I think we vibe together pretty well.

When you propose to a plant lover, just say, “Aloe you vera much.”

James Watt proposed to his love by saying, “You make my love for you so much more powerful.”

There is plenty of fish in the sea, but you’re my one and only sole-mate.

I’m soy loving being with you.

I love you because you Auto-complete me.

Deer lovers say, “I love you very deerly.”

Life with you is such a sweet treat.

Snail lovers send their lovers slugs and kisses.

Crustaceans propose by saying, “You are one in a krillion.”

 There is so mushroom in my heart, and all of it is for you.

 If you want to confess to someone who designs ships, “I sink I love you.”

When bees complement their bee wives, they say “Oh my goodness, you are un-bee-lievably amazing.”

When skunks propose, they say, “I love you so stinking much.”

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